Duration : 75 Minutes


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This program contains potential life-saving information. You learn skills and tactics to recognize, respond and mitigate harm when confronting a gunman engaged in a shooting rampage. You’ll learn about history and current trends of workplace shootings. We’ll look at various shooting events and discuss what happened and the lessons learned. Pre-incident indications of potential shootings and how to recognize that a shooting is underway will be discussed. It takes from 30 seconds to a minute for most people to recognize the sounds of a shooting event. Knowing how to quickly recognize the acoustic indications of firearm discharges can provide valuable time to protect yourself or other people. Making good decisions when facing life-threatening situations is critical, yet difficult. This webinar will explore the decision-making strategies used by military and law enforcement professionals when under fire. Run! Hide! Fight! will be known by many. You learn various methods for doing them in the most effective manner. When the police arrive you may still be in danger. We’ll look at what the police will and won’t be doing and how they want you to behave. First aid for shooting victims (yourself and others) will be covered.

Why You Should Attend:

You may know that workplace shooting events are extremely quick, generally within two to five minutes. But did you know that on an average, it takes the police 18 minutes to respond? Being prepared with a pre-planned active shooter response could be the difference between surviving and not surviving. If you boarded an airliner and the flight attendant announced, “We’re going to skip the safety briefing on this flight because airline fatalities are so rare”, would you stay on the plane? So why would you go to work everyday without knowing what to do if you find yourself confronting the nightmare of an armed assailant intent on killing you and your co-workers? You may feel you’re not in danger and don’t need this training. But feelings are not a good predictor of these types of events. By the time you feel you’re in danger, it will be too late. And even if the odds are small, because the impact can be catastrophic, it’s only common sense to take at least basic steps to be ready.

Areas Covered in the Session :

  • Scope & Impact of Workplace Shootings
  • Pre-Incident Warning Signs of Shooting Events
  • Case studies of workplace shootings     
  • Using an “Active Shooter” Decision Tree
  • What to do when law enforcement responds

Who Should Attend:

  • HR Departments
  • Directors and VPs
  • Facilities management
  • Office managers
  • Business owners


Melveen Stevenson


Melveen Stevenson is the CEO and founder of M.S.Elemental, LLC, a human resources and business advisory firm based in Los Angeles, California. As a certified HR professional with a background in accounting and finance, she helps companies to navigate the human resources “jungle” of compliance, human capital, and leadership challenges. By using an encompassing business approach, she helps to strengthen the infrastructure of organizations from the inside out, specifically through leadership development, operations, training, employee engagement, and career coaching.

Over the last 17 years, Melveen has held leadership positions in human resources operations, supply chain, and talent management at international companies in food manufacturing, medical devices, and consumer products. She has also worked internationally.

Melveen began her career in accounting and international banking. With an inspired desire to support and drive organizational success through human capital, she redirected her career and obtained her MBA at Michigan State University’s Eli Broad Graduate School of Management.